Friday, August 10, 2007

Thank you

I'm back from Florida, and I've found things to give thanks for.

Thank you, O Lord, for the black-silver shimmer of sea beneath a rising full moon, a beauty that can make me cry and think how full of foolishness the world is.

Thank you, O Lord, for barefoot moms and dads and kids up and down the beach, huddled with flashlights over captured crabs.

Thank you, O Lord, for the noise of waves that let me sing out at night without worrying who'll hear.

Thank you, O Lord, for human companionship.

Thank you, O Lord, for the kindness of people who barely know me.

Thank you, O Lord, for my teachers.

Thank you, O Lord, for a 59-degree night in August in Philadelphia, and for a walk that makes me feel alive.

Thank you, O Lord, for the beauty of women who love you.


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